
On Thursday I shot a short film. I took the train to my home town (which was weirdly nostalgic) and was whisked away to a little house nestled among birches and a nearby lake. It feels good to do work that demands you to go to a pretty place for a day, work with talented people, eat good food, laugh, and get it all on video. We walked down to the dock, shared the lake with the geese, and dipped our feet in the cool water before it was time to head back to the cement jungle of new york city....just in time to catch "Dusk Rings a Bell" written by Stephen Belber and directed by the great Sam Gold.

If you like truthful, intimate theater GO SEE THIS. Paul Sparks was particularly compelling. I think the reason why human connection is so riveting to watch is because it's the thing we're all striving for and are often hardpressed to find.

Somehow, I ended the evening at Union Pool, which pretty much put a cap on a pretty neat day.

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