
rainy day inspiration

The age old quandry comes to life in The Burning House; a group photography blog all about the possessions you'd pull from the wreckage and what it says about you.  Children, cats, iMacs, and dog-eared books all make an appearance.  What are your most precious staples?  When leaving for gigs I always pack: my childhood teddybear, a mirror ball, the first pillows I ever purchased for my freshman dorm-room, framed photos of my family, a couple of novels, colored pens and my journal, two travel candles, Steven Pressman's The War of Art, my iMac and Canon powershot.

Can't stop listening to this:

And, in anticipation of hot, humid nights I've been thinking about pretty, barely-there things to sleep in.
These gorgeous pieces from Loup Charmant just about do the trick.

Hope this post was a welcome five-minute distraction from the grey, mugginess of today.  Now, back to work.  Love, Frankie.

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