
grateful for...

the first of the month and how it feels like a clean slate

oatmeal with blueberries, chopped almonds, banana, honey and cinnamon for breakfast, lunch, or dinner

my aunt joyce and how she left the world a much sweeter place

surprises - all kinds

collaborations with charged, creative, and curious artists

evening walks

and these charming illustrations by Becca Stadtlander.  they make me look forward to all of the delights of summer.  feel free to visit her here

1 comment:

  1. Francesca,
    I spoke to you last week when you called Unemployment. I had to Google your name and found your website & blog. Very cool.Just wanted to say hello. And now I know I will be coming down to the Fringe Festival in August to see "The Rubber Room".
    So anyway, 'break-a-leg'...


Hey friend, so glad you stopped by! Drop me a line...


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