
making space

These grey, rainy days have made me wax nostalgic for the bright fields of chamomile, poppies and wild flowers that were carpeting Athens while I was there.  Thought I would share a couple of shots with you!

Is all well?  

... I've been thinking a lot about simplicity lately.  I've been preparing my little apartment for a roommate which has given me keen insight into how much stuff I have, how much stuff I actually need, and what I can afford to let go of.  At the end of all of the clearing, sorting, and sifting, there's more room for me.  Which always feels good.  It also led me to wonder how much of the non-physical "stuff" we hold onto and how to let go of those things as well; relationships that no longer serve us, obligations that demand more time than we have, and how we utilize the time that we do have.  If only it was as easy as cleaning out my pantry! My instincts tell me otherwise...  

But it's a thought: Shedding the extra stuff to make room for the essential, positive, beautiful things in life.  Things like: Bon Iver's latest album, seeing plays, and using the library to find a growing list of summer reads... 

So, the task for this week is de-cluttering and simplifying.  If you come over and there's nothing to sit on, I've gone too far.

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