
I woke up this morning from a slumber that was decidedly sweeter than I've had in some time. I shuffled to the kitchen to put on the kettle, started checking my emails, and called my mom...as one is wont to do. Her voice sounded shaken and she asked me if I'd heard about Haiti. "No" I said. "I had just woken up." It felt like a terrible excuse. Within seconds CNN was pouring into my living room.

This is yet another moment where I feel grateful to be able to venture out to the grocery store and maybe the gym. It always strikes me as strange that one can be sleeping so well in one part of the world, while in another part of the world others are experiencing such misery.

If you are reading this and have the means, here: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/blogs/abraham/detail??blogid=95&entry_id=55175 is a comprehensive list of donation based programs i.e. UNICEF and CARE, that have started mobilising aid in Haiti.

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