
under the stars

I love me a good rooftop.

On Friday evening, I had the opportunity to go on a fun jaunt to the New Design High School on the Lower East Side for Rooftop Films; a summer series that screens indie shorts and features on rooftops all over the five boroughs. As we climbed the 5 flights up a winding stairwell we were greeted by the familiar smell of hamburgers, hotdogs and beer. The rooftop of the school, which otherwise was clearly used as a large outdoor basketball court, was transformed into a beautiful movie venue with a view of the Empire State Building to boot.

With a rather rockin' band ( Frances ) to warm up the crowd, we sat down to a film series titled "Hopelessly Devoted" - that's right - 6 films dedicated to love, sacrifice, and connection. In the theme of the evening, the artistic director of the organization, proposed to his girlfriend. I screamed as soon as I saw the box. Me and the six hundred other people there said 'yes' before she did. It was the kind of New York City evening that makes you feel like you are starring in a shiny romantic comedy entitled "Your Life". It was that fun.

The films varied from a sweet animated short about two octupi in love to an awkward first date in Williamsburg. My personal favorite was Spike Jonze's new 30 min. short "I'm Here". It broke me up.

Spike Jonze "I'm Here" from BLAST on Vimeo.

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