
a fan letter.

Anne Tucker says that "art requires courage", and lately I've been acutely aware of the fact by watching friends and acquaintances of mine blaze the often overgrown and treacherous path to creativity. Acting, (the process of putting intention into action) is, to me, part of our human make-up, like breathing; we all, in small or large ways, wish to affect change in our communities. It is a wonder, however, that with fear as another large component of our human make-up, that we ever manage to move forward. But somehow we do, and that's when great things happen.

With that rather borderline sentimental introduction there are a few artists and friends in my life that have been making a courageous stir. Those with courage need all the encouragement they can get, and that I am more than happy to give. Support these people!!

SPACE on RYDER FARM, the brainchild of Susan Goodwillie, Peter Simoness, Emily Simoness and Joshua Morgan is a 120 acre organic farm, that doubles as an artists retreat. A short hour and a half away, this SPACE offers a sanctuary where artists from all disciplines can live, and workshop their pieces in exchange for their help on the farm. This is not only a response to the urban artists' needs but a call to participate in the Green Movement as well. Watch this video and come help them fundraise and find a logo. I can't wait to visit.

SPACE on Ryder Farm from SPACE on Ryder Farm on Vimeo.

THE LARK Play Development Program is a laboratory for 'new voices and new ideas, providing playwrights' with indispensable resources to develop their work.' The Lark assembles a foundation of professional directors, actors, and of course playwrights to make the opportunity for writers to hear their work outloud, see their work on its feet, and receive constructive feedback on their process. I have had the good fortune to work with this fantastic group of people over the past year, and I haven't seen a more nurturing, experimental and creative hub since grad school.

This is May Adrales, director extraordinaire and coordinator of many of the programs I've participated in at The Lark. She's one of the many incredible people on staff and I can't thank her enough for getting me involved.

NAKED ANGELS was founded in 1986 with the mission to strengthen a community of artists through the creation, development and production of new work. I have particular pride for this theater company because two friends of mine from college are now intricately involved in the inner-workings of the amazing things that are being done here. I saw a staged reading of a new play by Bekah Brunstetter, and I'm eagerly looking forward to their upcoming production of "This Wide Night" by Chloe Moss and directed by Anne Kauffman. They're nominated for two Tony Awards guys! This is the highest quality in creative development and production, with artists involved who are at the top of their crafts; it is beautiful, intimate work made extremely accessible. Here's the crew:

So, I've gushed.

To all of those friends who are: breaking their backs at auditions, fretting in movie trailers and on film sets for the first time, throwing themselves into challenging roles, faced with a mammoth writers' block, in love, out of love, anxious that they're doing the wrong things with their lives, trying to change the face of improv, anxious that they no longer know how to do what they thought they were once good at, finding their life path, nervous by the prospect of taking class with Parker Posey or making transitions out of grad school into life -- hold fast and follow your bliss...with courage!

I admire you.

1 comment:

  1. Francesca,
    This is a fan letter to your fan letter. I admire you - your generosity and bravery. Keep it up, woman!


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