
the feminine mystique

Do you ever have time on your hands and google a name to see what comes up? Could be a friend, a lover or, dare I say it, yourself? Yesterday, I googled my mom. The results were shamefully scarce, a few directory listings and then of course she was listed as my parent on a few old school contact lists. There was no trace of her lineage on Wikipedia, or the pictures of her when she was modeling all over Europe. No pictures of a tall, shy young lady of 20 dressed all in black with a delicate chignon at the nape of her neck. There was little evidence of her near 30 years at the United Nations, and smaller evidence still of the apple crumbles she would make that my sister and I would melt over when we were children.

My mother will probably never be recognized by way of academy award for the endless hoops, characters and obstacles she's had to play and maneuver herself through. So, I'll take this very small moment to say what words are too average to convey: beautiful, strong, compassionate woman, thank you for having me. And thank you to Granny for having you.

There are so many women who are making courageous marks, and first-time stands. Here are a few more that have recently re-entered my consciousness...if, it is, they ever left it.

Jenny Gersten, Associate Producer of The Public, will be undertaking the role of Artistic Director at Williamstown Theater Festival; the first female to ever hold the post. That place has been a home to me in a lot of ways over the past couple of years and I look forward to seeing how she impacts the legacy of theater done there. Should be exciting!

Marian Seldes has been chosen to receive the Tony's Lifetime Achievement Award. When I graduated with my MFA last May, I had the good fortune of going out to dinner with some family friends, and Ms. Seldes was in attendance. She promptly encouraged the table to raise a glass to me, to ME (!), and my achievements. I couldn't have felt more humble. I'm so pleased to hear millions will be raising a glass to her. The kindest spirit, and noblest artist I've ever met.

Lena Horne passed away today. She is a woman who is so deeply ingrained in my personal history I can't even really remember when I was introduced to her. I must've heard her before I saw her. My parents loved listening to old jazz standards and her rendition of Stormy Weather must've played many a time in our household. She's left so much good behind; the kind of good that can be worn for comfort, confidence or encouragement by young people facing the daunting path of the art world.

Happy WOMAN day xox .

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