
in LOVE with Nathalie Lete

Every once and a while, I stumble across a postcard or art book that features an artist that aligns perfectly with my soul; a convoluted way of saying that sometimes I find artists that I fall in love with.

Nathalie Lete, is such a one. Born in 1964, she lives and works in Paris, creating the kind of poetic fantasies in paint, ceramics, textile, and illustration that set my girlish heart a-flutter.

Influenced by pop and folk art, Ms. Lete creates blooms of romance and butterflies of whimsy. Much of her work is influenced by her extensive travels and her German Cambodian heritage. She makes me want to blow bubbles and swim in a tub of peonies.

This is a fascinating video of her "Painting Live" in a storefront window in Tokyo.

1 comment:

  1. My Dear Francesca,

    Thank you for introducing me to the artist Natalie Lete. I looked, enthralled, at her video while listening to Sergei Prokoviev's Romeo & Juliet - such a soothing combination for one trying to get over a flu bug. The one artist so very fluidly beautiful in her charming and effortless talent, while the other stirs the heart with unfettered passion. Ahhh - beginning to feel better already!

    Thank you again darling.
    All love,


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