
This is my Saturday afternoon view. A checkered floor flanked on both sides by seemingly endless delights; chiffons, prints, furs, and lacey cotton spins. In the street, the occasional car will pass by with pulsing beats of reggaeton overtaking the quiet acoustic of the store only to subside and leave the lazy chatter of the passerby.

I have heard many a friend bemoan retail, but I will take a moment to defend it.

One of my favorite things to do when I was a wee lass, was to 'help' my mother clean out her closet. This meant getting to try on her old 70's hot pants, indian cotton tops, and vintage t-shirts. It would always fill me with a kind of rapture to try on relics from my mom's past. I got endless satisfaction from hearing her exclaim "I've had that for donkey years! " or "I wore that when I was pregnant with you". I would always try to squirrel away my favorite pieces; hiding them in the closet I shared with my sister. This store is kind of like my mom's closet...but with price tags.

A retail job is also wonderful for getting things done...like blogging OR reading or reading blogs! Here's what's currently on the menu of literary delights:

I've worked on many auditions at my retail job. Interestingly, I went through a period about a month ago where I was preparing a lot of material that had to do with women in war torn countries surviving horrific circumstances. Splitting my focus between AIDS in Zambia and selling a 250.oo dollar cocktail dress couldn't have put things into better perspective.

ALSO, I make extravagant to- do lists and draw elaborate doodles at work....

......while providing excellent customer service of course.

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