Yesterday we had English weather - the kind that is all dark skies, and determined rain. Almost every subway station was littered with abandoned umbrella's and one could only imagine how drenched were the souls that had to carry on without them. I was lucky enough to duck into the Landmark Sunshine for a couple of hours and see Jane Eyre. There's nothing like the escapism these films afford for me. It's not all frilly Anglos and tea, but characters who often have to travail against the weariness of broken hearts, isolation, and outward perception under the stifling gaze of propriety. Mia Wasikowska made a piercing Jane. I sat with a friend, ate half a bag of popcorn, and generally delighted in it all. The evening was spent at NYU Grad seeing the third year's final production of The Emperor Antony. Go see it. It's wonderful storytelling by a truly gifted ensemble. I came back to the Hudson Valley in the dead of night, drenched with rain, and happy. It was a worthy farewell to the city for another short while.
And now, in these early morning hours, I have to finish my packing and sit on my suitcase with the hope of catching a plane this afternoon. Goodbye, New York -- Hello, Greece!
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